I am so fascinated with resin arts.
When pouring resin into the mold or onto the canvas, the colors are not controllable. They flow freely according to their characteristics and traits. Looking at the objects I chose to present; the color in them are so random and chaotic. I believe that these disordered patterns symbolize freedom. It also represents the endless possibilities of what we can do and achieve if we allow our minds to be clear of the clutter and noise of the outside world.
During the wintertime in 2019, I accidentally saw several resin art tutorials on Instagram. I was fascinated by it and noticed there were just several small online communities in China that are making resin art pieces, and no one was using the resin art techniques that are popular abroad. I decided to learn about creating this type of artwork by following tutorials on Youtube. With the willingness to make art pieces and make the Chinese version of tutorials myself, I spent several days at home, stirred up all the ingredients carefully, shot, and edited short videos of the making and de-molding process. The videos were uploaded on a Chinese video platform, an equivalent version of Youtube. After a few hours, I got many positive comments about how amazing and unusual the objects were and tons of requests of more detailed explanations. Since I am abroad right now, I have the opportunity to learn more resin art techniques and shoot more video tutorials. It will allow more people in China to recognize its charm elegance. I have made several more video tutorials, and some of them even hit ten thousand views on the website. Surprisingly, it was noticed that some crafts enthusiasts started taking the type of resin art I showed in the video.